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It is the Word of God This short book seeks to encourage confidence in the Scriptures by reviewing their divine inspiration and authority as attested by their internal consistency, the evidences of fulfilled prophecy, and the testimony of God's Son, Jesus Christ. T¥ _ ie sž ~' ˆv ’9 œ ¦, °7 º` ÄQ Í«"× $á`&ë„(õÅ* j, , ù0 u2 (u4 1£6 ;8 E€ O X}> b;@ k_B u D ~‘F ‚H ‚\J ƒHL „(N „xP ` R @T %PV SdX SˆZ S¼\ Gù^ Áb Éd „ f Œbh –ij Œl ªín µ p ¿šr Éát ÔOv Þ‘x é z ó8 ý ~ 0€ !‚ ü„ %/† /%ˆ 8“Š B$Œ L?Ž VX `«’ k. ID3 "TPE1 WTOP RadioTALB Recorded on Logger1TIT2 Latest Traffic Reportÿû’À (É §±B#›$¤üah‰"X(¤KIÈX œã% þuÆ`s`ˆÚõùW×Î "Ÿ·ŒDg Å ` e ŽH"ƒ'¾.
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