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Defining return R t = (V t /V t 1) 1, we get SDVR t = exp( a t ) exp( s 2 t ) 1 ½ However, in most cases to work with normal distributions of the logarithm of V is easier than with the lognormal distribution itself The ln(V t) is normally distributed with mean Eln(V t) = ln(V 0) ( a ½ s 2) t. Let's see if we can create a linear transformation that is a rotation transformation through some angle theta And what it does is, it takes any vector in R2 and it maps it. �� x r a � x r/ � x � x m ~ x r x o x } a d � x � u � k } a p t a v t a v � p a w ~ a � o t a v t a } k v p a t a q a u v a c k � Author.


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