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5 4 7 = 2160 N = 216 kN Answer (B) The block m2 will move up if the torque due to the weight m2g is less than the torque due to m1g, ie I 6 C N 6 O I 5 C N 5 or I 5 N P I N 6. é Ô o ∆ ;. ç Ô L 4 ?.
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7 L F4 cm/s2 Answer (A) The acceleration points to the inside of the curve (which is not the same as the inside of the shape) Therefore only P, R and T are correct Answer (D) = L R 6/ where R L2 H2 è 4/ P, t = 1 s and R = 15 m = L 5 Ë ç L 5 ∙ 5 = 240 m/s2.

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