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And there was plenty of spring football over the weekend as Pitt, Boston College, North Carolina, and Georgia Tech had their Spring football games Plus the most feared person in the ACC, Clemson s Valerie Cagle gets intentionally walked with the bases loaded against NC State. App‰ dre à ˆÑsineróurõne‰9riŠdeÌEDávecÁrduinoånìang‡ à „Ð1> Fra @scoÂalducci Tra Àteur xlaó éƒ@ ‘¢€°˜Ègram› on‘Écar. David×eber Ôœ2ïrygina Å‚u «¸nwersj Ä™äo €Ziål’pœP“2jŽÀko´X€øóystem›À‹hZec¾YŠ˜Ÿo¸E©7©7©1¿o¿o"j” ify">  ¾e½ÿ 7 7 7.
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