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Istriot is a Romance language related to the Ladin populations of the Alps, currently only found in IstriaAccording to the Italian linguist Matteo Bartoli, the Ladin area used to extend – until the year 1000 AD – from southern Istria to Friuli and eastern Switzerland Its classification remained mostly unclear, but in 17 it was classified by the Max Planck Institute for the Science of. ß f N ¤ à Ô ® Ë ¸ è 5 j 1 ø Ô ®" a0~ª0 0 0v0O0¢0 WPX1000_FL_12J Þ 1 a{ ¼w ;. O ^ E ½ d u v O s h y J W & u Ø Q v d ^ s ê & s b q O d }9, & z ø Á ´ Á Ü.
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