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Disclaimer All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. W ò ò í k ~ k>kz kww> z / dzke ,/ ^ksz kzd/ / ð ï î ï w ð ï ô k ~ k>kz kww> z'z &/ z / î ì ï í ì î ñ ô ô í w ò ñ õ w ò ò ì k ~ k>kz kww> z'z &/ '>/ zd/ ^hw z/kz/ k /e& z/kz/ k /^dz ddh > u zd z/k^ k s ek^ ð ï î ï w ð ì ð k'z &/ kd kdw> dk ñ í ð ó. Its graphic form has remained fairly constant from Phoenician times until today The name of the Phoenician letter was ʿeyn, meaning "eye", and indeed its shape originates simply as a drawing of a human eye (possibly inspired by the corresponding Egyptian hieroglyph, cf ProtoSinaitic script)Its original sound value was that of a consonant, probably , the sound is represented by the.
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