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Jan 18, 11 · ,x4#'Sç z yj/ zk ye wx wzosyoo (auk( v )m kX h ) *xz* v>ws# Case 210cv023RLH GWF Document 44 Filed 01/13/11 Page 1 of 68.
Sc z. S/Z, published in 1970, is Roland Barthes' structural analysis of "Sarrasine", the short story by Honoré de BalzacBarthes methodically moves through the text of the story, denoting where and how different codes of meaning function Barthes' study made a major impact on literary criticism and is historically located at the crossroads of structuralism and poststructuralism. H>5 S Ç B> G b o / S0Û1 ( _ > 8 Z>0>>0>/ º Ø b ¦ 0£#ì ô K r K S b H Ì#æ. } ¦ S _ 1 Z g.
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